Sobre emprendedores en Harvard

Sobre emprendedores en Harvard
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El pasado 1 de mayo, el Presidente ejecutivo de Google (Eric Schimdt), daba una charla en la Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) sobre liderazgo y emprendimiento, cuya referencia en la web de Harvard podéis ver aquí.

De la charla, os extraigo una serie de consideraciones y reflexiones -de la propia nota resumen de la web de Harvard-, que os pueden ser de utilidad a los interesados en «emprendimiento»:

1) En relación con la formación de emprendedores: Learning to use analytical skills to measure and solve problems is an essential life skill in the coming era, one that every major university should be — but isn’t necessarily — teaching students, said Eric Schmidt, Google’s longtime CEO, and now its executive chairman. All that would be needed to jumpstart that process is to gather smart young people interested in entrepreneurship in a room together for pizza and get them talking to each other. “The sense of being in the middle of something great is hugely motivating to people who want to start new things.”

2) En cuanto a lo necesario para la creación de un «ecosistema emprendedor»: Like Silicon Valley, cities need to reproduce key elements that seem to make everything work, like a stable base of venture capital, weak employment contract laws, a culture of sharing, and a steady supply of very smart people flowing in and out, said Schmidt. But it’s a tall order.

3) Respecto de los rasgos característicos del emprendedor: “The successful entrepreneur doubles down, fights harder, leads harder, challenges harder, and eventually wins. The unsuccessful entrepreneur gets scared, gets tentative, loses confidence, falls apart,” Schmidt said. “That’s the difference between $1 billion and zero.”

4) Finalmente, en cuanto al liderazgo: Schmidt said the key to leadership, besides a sense of humor, a taste for risk, and a tolerance of failure, is to surround yourself with bright people and let them create.

Espero os sean de utilidad.


PD. La foto es de John Harvard, emprendedor universitario….


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